If you are thinking about ways to save money in you monthly budget, chances are that you are probably thinking about car insurance. Car insurance is a great way to shave off some money each month by revisiting your plan and seeing what you can do to save money. Here are some simple tips to saving money on your insurance.
1. Drive Less, Carpool More
The more you drive the more likely you are to get into an accident. The insurance companies know that the longer you spend on the road at the wheel, the more likely you are to get in some sort of accident. This is why they have you tell them how many miles you plan on driving each year, and will even ask for mileage on your car. If you want to save money, try driving less. Use public transportation, carpool with others, or ride your bike when possible. This will be better for the environment, and better for your wallet.
2. Go To Traffic School
Your driving record will play a huge role in how much you pay in insurance each month. The better the driver you are, the more you will save. People who speed, who don't follow traffic laws, who have DUIs, and who have gotten in accidents in the past are more likely to get into an accident. This is why you need to first of all, drive safer. But if you do get some sort of citation, go to traffic school to keep it off your record. This is very important since you can actually keep the whole incident essentially a secret from the insurance company by simply attending a school where you get a refresher course in driving. If traffic school is offered to you, take it.
3. Be A Better Student
Did you know that if you are in college, high school, or a trade school you can get a discount on your insurance? It is not uncommon to have a child who is on your insurance in one of these schools, and many adults go back to school as well. If you submit your grades and have above a certain GPA each semester you will save money on your insurance. This is because it is believed that people who are better students, have better judgment, and will drive safer on the roads.
For more information about how to save, contact an insurance agency like Kesner Insurance Agency Inc.